Friday 11 October 2013

EXCLUSIVE:Size 8 has Secretly married a popular gospel deejay>> is DJ MO

DJ MO is said to have tied the knot with SIZE 8 secretly at Attorney General’s office.

The two are said to have been living together for a while now......The source also Revealed that Size 8 might be pregnant.

The two love-birds have been dating ever since Size 8 was a secular artist and sources reveal that Dj Mo played a big role in the songstress salvation.

The two couples are planning to throw a big wedding ceremony later this year as they first want to test the waters.

Thursday 10 October 2013

President Uhuru Kenyatta seeks to have ICC trial against him STOPPED, cites abuse of court process

President Uhuru Kenyatta Thursday requested a permanent stay of his trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC) citing abuse of the legal justice process ahead of trial commencement.

Through his defence lawyers Steven Kay QC and Gillian Higgins, Uhuru said there is evidence of massive interference with the court process.

“The Defence is in possession of substantial evidence of a serious, sustained and wide-ranging abuse on the process of the Court carried out by ( i) Prosecution wit ness OTP-118 and Prosecution intermediary , and ( ii ) Prosecution witnesses O TP-11 and O TP-12,” said the defence team.

Alternatively, the president has requested the trial chamber to order evidential hearing before the start of the trial to determine the issue of abuse of process.

“In the alternative, the Defence requests the Trial Chamber to hold an evidential hearing entailing the calling of live evidence to determine this issue conclusively prior to the commencement of trial.”

Mexican man, 40, made his girlfriend, 25, wear a padlock on her jeans so she would be faithful to him

A man in Mexico has allegedly forced his younger girlfriend to wear a padlock on her jeans so that she would stay faithful to him.
The 25-year-old woman, who has not been identified, went to authorities in Veracruz and said that she was in pain after being unable to go to the bathroom for hours.
She told them that, for years, her 40-year-old boyfriend had padlocked her into her jeans but that she was too afraid of him to cut herself out.
Authorities arrested her boyfriend, who admitted to locking up the woman and gave the key to police. CNN reported.
Police were surprised that the woman did not wish to press charges and the man was taken into custody on a misdemeanor charge but released after a few hours.
But the following day, he signed a statement promising not to use the padlock again.
Araceli Gonzalez, a women's rights activist in the state of Veracruz, said that the authorities had failed the women.
'She was a victim of a crime for 12 years and neither the community nor authorities did anything about it,' she said. 'The handling of this case didn’t follow the law. Nobody acted against the aggressor.'
State authorities said they are limited in what they can do as she did not press charges, but Gonzalez countered that the authorities had to step up when abuses occurred.
She said she believes the case is just one of thousands.

Eugene Wamalwa says he will not vie to be Bungoma Senator

Former Justice minister Eugene Wamalwa has denied claims that he is interested in the Bungoma senator seat.

“If I wanted to become a senator, I would have vied in Trans Nzoia county in the March 4 election,” Eugene said.

He said, as a party leader, he will not “stoop low” to vie for the seat but he will support a candidate of his New Ford Kenya party instead.

Wamalwa said his party will win. The seat fell vacant after the High Court in Bungoma nullified the election of Senate minority leader Moses Wetang’ula (Cord) on grounds that his election was not free and affair.

What a Shame?? Now Shebesh Closes her KICC Offices!!!

Nairobi county women’s representative Rachel Shebesh has closed her office at the KICC building. She has not been seen there for more than a week now. 

Our moles say the MP has, since her confrontation with Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko, opted to keep a low profile and avoid public appearances.

SHOCK to FATOU BENSOUDA as ICC WITNESS 368 refuses to testify - "I want more money and a house in California (US)." The witness is reported to have said.

Panic and anxiety gripped the prosecution side at the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Tuesday after a key witness who was to testify on cases facing Deputy President William Ruto and his his co- accused, Joshua  Sang’ refused to testify saying he wants to be paid more money in order to testify.

Witness 368, who was lined up after witness 326 (who is currently testifying), forced the Prosecution to call an urgent meeting on Tuesday evening to resolve the crisis which may jeopardize the whole case.

The Prosecution on Wednesday admitted that they have logistical problems with witness 368 and requested the Trial Chamber V judges to allow them change the order of witnesses, an application which was vehemently rejected by Ruto’s lawyer Karim Khan.

In his submission to the Chamber, Khan argued that any alteration in the order of witnesses would prejudice their case.

Khan said he wants the court to follow the schedule they had prepared in the beginning of the trial and any alterations will create injustice to the defence lawyers and the suspects in general.

Witness 368 has refused to testify saying he wants an amount of money that can make life comfortable for him and his family for the remaining part of his life.

He has requested millions of shillings and a prime house in Santa Rosa, California.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

An ODM Senator asks Raila to step aside for Kalonzo in 2017

An ODM senator has said former Prime Minister Raila Odinga should retire from politics to pave way for Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka to contest for presidency in 2017.
Taita Taveta Senator Dan Mwanzo, who is also former Tourism Minister of Kenya said it was time for Mr Odinga to give a chance to Mr Musyoka to run for presidency.
He said the ODM party should support the former vice president to be CORD’s flag bearer in the next general elections.
Mr Mwanzo was speaking at a rally Kibwezi campaigning for Mr Kalembe Ndile as area MP on a TIP TIP ticket.
“This is not just a Kibwezi West by-election but a battle between Jubilee and Cord,” said Mr Mwanzo during a campaign rally in Makindu grounds.
Mr Mwanzo said they are certain that CORD will recapture all seats lost in election petitions.