Tuesday 10 September 2013

Celebrated Ugandan prophet ROBERT KAYANJA has prophesied that UHURU/ RUTO’s ICC cases will fail.

A popular Ugandan prophet, Robert Kayanja of Miracle Centre Cathedral in Kampala has prophesied that the ICC cases facing the President and his Deputy will fail.  The respected Prophet who is holding a mega crusade at Uhuru Park in Nairobi says that God had shown him that the ICC cases were politicized. 

He says that putting Kenya in the ICC at the current century is equal to colonisation.   In a media interview, the prophet said that the failure of the ICC cases against the President and his Deputy will put to shame the Western Nations and put a clear  picture that days of colonisation are over. 

The ICC cases have entered a critical trial stage and drama is expected in the Hague based court as Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda fights her seemingly weak case with top lawyers in the world.

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